Temple Muse, a luxury boutique in Lagos' posh Victoria Island suburb, belongs to the new generation of stores that cater for affluent Africans, who used to buy their clothes overseas but now yearn for garments that reflect their heritage. “We choose …
The people who frequent the website Reddit.com, which bills itself as “the front page of the internet,” are overwhelmingly young, male, fairly affluent, and, generally, interested in—or work with—computers. … PayPal—“Their customer service is the …
… public standards for what we at the Center for American Progress refer to as Qualified Student Loans, or loans that cannot be easily discharged in bankruptcy, which has been done for other types of financial products as a way to identify safer …
Their original idea was straightforward, if eventually unsuccessful: They would develop apps, features, and other software that hardware companies could bundle with their products to justify higher prices and escape commoditization. …. Fuhu has a …
In Japan, the birthplace of instant ramen, the consumer appetite for novel ramen products is so ravenous that manufacturers introduce 600 new flavors a year, the authors report. But it all started in the postwar … And they foresee a world of 9 …
Under the Boycott Law, continuing the above campaign might have exposed Gush Shalom to hundreds of tort actions by settlement-based corporations, resulting in a far from affluent movement having to pay many millions in damages and being effectively …
Wealth Window Digital allows advertisers to serve demand-generation ads to affluent consumers browsing the web for any reason at any time. They can also be identified by selected keywords they are using while actively searching for specific products …
"It's about laying some foundation for lifestyle changes and for future successes and things like that," Talison said, adding Beecher will be looked at 10 years down the road for making this change. The district has struggled with state education …
The neutral country's sanctions list for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) also includes equipment for golf, horseback riding, water sports, billiards and casinos, as well as luxury watches, jewellery, caviar, perfume and artworks …