But why gold, and why not red or green, yellow, coral, or sea foam blue? There could be some manufacturing issues related to integrating some colors with the iPhone's materials composition, but the likely reason is classiness. Unlike the iPod, which is …
MUMBAI (Reuters) – Scrap gold supply in India could race to at least 300 tonnes – topping flows seen in recent years – two major industry bodies said on Tuesday, as government moves to curb bullion imports lead to a jump in premiums on fast shrinking …
The CEO and Chairman of US Gold Corporation and Minera Andes Inc., Canadian Rob McEwen, speaks during a round table on the gold mining perspectives, in the framework of the Tenth International Gold Symposium, in Lima on May 14, 2012. (Image …
Some more affluent schools may have opted out of the program because they either couldn't or didn't want to meet the government's nutrition standards, she says. Margo Wootan … Deborah Taylor, director of school nutrition services at Shawnee (Okla …
Supervisors Marion Ashley and Jeff Stone will ask their board colleagues to jointly sign a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., asking him to investigate "the conduct" of U.S. Customs and Immigration Services. The …
But I come from a relatively affluent community. My family pushed me to succeed and … Maybe they made poor choices in life, but maybe they just were born into a situation and lifestyle with few opportunities to better themselves. I can't even imagine …
Atoms are not bits as a sea distance resurfaces between the two in the referral case of a particular class of people who afford frequently to clicktivism. e., life style politics at Net. Thus, accompanied by the development of highly affluent groups …
A teenage fraudster lived a jetset lifestyle in the mould of Leonardo DiCaprio's character in Catch Me If You Can. Former travel agent Reece Scobie, who targeted an independent Cambridge travel firm as well as national giant Thomson Travel, visited …
Apart from word of mouth among core investors, the advertising for luxury homes is usually seen in status and lifestyle magazines and airport lounges than in weekly property supplements. Many HNI buyers and investors who look at luxury housing enter …