"Motorcycles are the core of personal transportation in India and it will grow as people grow more affluent and move up from cycles. Our belief is that a … By the end of this year and through to 2014, there'll be 15 new products," he tells us. We …
FCC supports young farmers at various stages through its involvement with 4-H, management workshops through FCC Learning and lending products aimed at assisting young farmers with succession planning. FCC also provides regular economic outlooks … “As …
It is heartening that Indians invested less in gold in 2012-13 than in the previous year. The RBI's annual report says investment in valuables, mainly gold, fell to 2% of GDP from 2.4% of GDP, and this could have helped somewhat buttress household …
Gold traders are the most bearish in nine weeks after Federal Reserve policy makers backed plans to taper stimulus if the economy strengthens, eclipsing a surge in demand for physical metal that drove prices to a two-month high. Twelve analysts …
It's been a very tough year for gold miners. Just take a look at the performance of Newmont Mining (NYSE: NEM ) , Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX ) , and New Gold (NYSEMKT: NGD ) . Each saw negative returns of at least 20%, with Barrick losing almost half of …
Through the Upload Outreach Program, you can get an Xbox One, a one-year Xbox Live Gold membership, several Xbox One Launch games and the opportunity to work with the Upload team all for free. Here's how. All you have to do is create a one minute …
Let us know what business you want to see next in Livingston. Posted by Mike D'Onofrio (Editor) , August 23, 2013 at 06:13 PM. Comment Recommend. Flag as Inappropriate. The former Alaive & Co. Fine Jewelry, at 250 Livingston Ave. Loading… The former …
Platinum's resistance to tarnish makes it ideal for use in fine jewelry. The metal is also used to make crucibles, special containers, as a catalyst, in dental crowns, as an anti-tumor agent and to make standard weights and measures. It is also …
Cristino Fine Jewelry partnered with Ruth Chris's Steakhouse and The Seagate Hotel to raise money for programs like youth sports and swimming lessons. The fashion show will feature pieces from Cristino's latest designers. Twenty percent of proceeds …