CAMBRIDGE, England—A substance 200 times stronger than steel yet as thin as an atom has ignited a global scientific gold rush, sending companies and universities racing to understand, patent and profit from the skinnier, more glamorous cousin of …
Screen%20Shot%202013-08-23%20at%209.19.00% Yesterday came word that French restaurateur Thierry Perez and chef Mark Gold had pulled the plug on their recent Manhattan Beach installment, Chez Soi, a California-style eatery serving dishes with …
This week, the rumor mill focused largely on whether Apple will produce a gold iPhone. Though some initially scoffed at the suggestion, more and more outlets are chiming in with confirmation that Cupertino will indeed go for the gold with its iPhone 5S.
U.S. home sales tumble 13.4 pct in July to 9-month low * Silver jumps 4 percent, above $24 first time since May * Fed officials give mixed views on stimulus taper timing * Falling U.S. bond yields dent dollar, help gold * Coming up: U.S. durable goods …
"It's like taking a rock, dropping it in a pond, and you splash, and it goes every which way," said Lee Bentley of the U.S. Forest Service. "That's what this fire is doing." … Meanwhile, squadrons of private aircraft whisked the affluent off to …
Terwillegar Towne isn't the most affluent part of southwest Edmonton. … On the other hand, the mother, social worker and military service member in me recognizes that this is what Canada is made of: people working together being someone's neighbour.
Less-skilled workers, meanwhile, get access to affluent customers, who are willing to pay more for service jobs. If you care about upward mobility and economic growth and the skills mismatch that is contributing to long-term unemployment, you have to …
Darrell Issa, R-Vista, took the top spot as the most affluent member of Congress with a reported $355 million of net worth in 2012, according to The Hill's "50 Wealthiest Lawmakers" list, released Tuesday. Issa's wealth rose by more than $214 million …
CEO Mike Ullman was rehired in April to bring back frequent sales and basic merchandise that were eliminated by Johnson in a failed attempt to attract hipper, more affluent customers. The Plano, Texas-based department store chain said it lost $586 …