The war of 1812 was a defining point in Canadian history, bring Upper Canada together in unity and pride as part of the British Empire. Owning a part of this historical event is often a dream for Canadian and history buffs along with paper money …
In the build-up to war, according to a new academic work, the major studios had actively collaborated with the Nazi regime, removing Jewish characters from films, aiding the propaganda effort and even financing the production of armaments. The …
Since the end of the space race during the Cold War, advances into outer space grounded to a halt and lay dormant. Without the motivation of war, funding died but dreams certainly did not. Private space exploration has been surging forward to fill the …
Asked whether he is content with the government efforts to confront the sanctions as well as the currency weakening, Assad said, “In this war situation, we can not judge the government's performance as its main concern is to provide its people with …
BEIRUT, Lebanon — A suicide bombing and at least two other attacks hit the Christian quarter of the historic Old City in Damascus on Thursday, underscoring the Syrian civil war's violent reach into relatively secure parts of the capital even as …
At the Dong-A International Finance Forum 2013 hosted jointly by the Dong-A Ilbo and its cable TV network Channel A in Seoul on Friday under the theme “Global Currency Wars and Korea's Financial Strategy,” the two world-renowned currency experts …
The Nobel Peace Prize President recently signed another executive order targeting Iran's currency, the 'rial' due to its nuclear program. It is intended to make the Iranian people angry at the government for high food prices and an economy that is …
“The euro is confounding all its critics once again,” said David Bloom, the global head of currency strategy at HSBC Holdings Plc in London. With the threat of the ECB turning to negative interest rates, “Draghi had a dabble in the war,” though …
The country whose finance minister famously said in 2010 that an "international currency war" had broken out has finally been winning. But Brazil shouldn't break out the "mission accomplished" banners. Superficially, Brazil's move to scrap a 6% tax on …