In August, the police shot and killed 34 workers at Lonmin's Marikana operation, and more than a dozen people have been killed or injured as the union turf war rages. The economy of the country is at stake too. Wages have been rising and … overly …
Gold has become Sudan's top export and earner of foreign currency. … The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir and some aides on charges of masterminding war crimes in Darfur. They deny …
Pride and currency: Austenites may soon get a constant reminder of their beloved author. The BBC reports that Jane Austen could replace Charles Darwin on the 10-pound note, according to the outgoing governor of the Bank of England. Twitter feud to book …
(AP)</em> <br> Croatia left socialist Yugoslavia in 1991, waging an independence war with its ethnic Serb minority, backed and armed by Belgrade, which went on until 1995. After centre-left reformers ousted hardline nationalists in 2000, Croatia was …
… including without limitation, industry, market, credit and economic conditions, the ability to reduce operating costs and secure financing, pension issues, energy prices, employee and labour relations, currency exchange and interest rates …
… re-pricing of currencies and both local- and foreign-currency fixed-income assets. Brazil and other countries that complained about “hot money” inflows and “currency wars,” have now suddenly gotten what they wished for: a likely early end of the …
And don't for a moment think if you are a woman and upset that you, say, get paid 17.5 per cent less than the man you work alongside or you've been denied promotion yet again that you can complain about this without being accused of unleashing a …
There should be, to borrow from language in currency at the Obama Department of Justice these days, “balance.” When authorities uphold federal drug laws, they should target the worst offenders first, not prosecute and jail their biggest critics. When …
Argentina's international reserves, which its central bank uses to trade with other countries' central banks and back its liabilities—like, say, its volatile local currency and bank reserves—have fallen by roughly 19% since the onset of the dollar …