That infusion is helping to boost Mexico's luxury goods market, which is projected to expand 12 percent this year, on par with growth over the last four years, according to Bain & Company, a consulting firm. By contrast, total retail sales grew 3.7 …
Indeed, surveys have shown that luxury products, such as cosmetics, are the first things to get cut from the budget of the average family in hard times. These L.A. Colors 5 Color Metallic Eyeshadows, like all the products on the Lady de Cosmetic …
Let me get a sense from you of what you think of the U.S. economy right now. There are, in a way, two schools of thought. There's one that says the U.S. economy is recovering very nicely, it's moving forward, things are going well. And there's another …
It is unclear whether the global shipping industry will normalize before these new ships enter the market. Demand could rise as the global economy recovers, or the supply of ships could somehow fall. But the economy's recovery could just as well be …
Mr Bowen has used his first economic note as Treasurer to express his confidence in Australians but reiterated there are challenges as mining investment wanes amid a sluggish global recovery. "We should be under no illusion about the significance of …
LONDON — The United States will shoulder the burden as main driver of world economic growth at least until the end of the year while Europe stagnates, Reuters polls showed last Thursday. The survey of more than 250 analysts suggested the US recovery …
Based on the exhaustive study, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNTAD), which champions for the cause of the poor nations, concluded that the current system of currencies and capital rules binding the world economy was largely …
Emerging economies hope for policy reassurance from G20. By Alan Wheatley, Global Economics Correspondent. LONDON, July 14 (Reuters) – Emerging economies that have thrived on ultra-loose U.S. monetary policy and insatiable Chinese demand for …
Mercedes-Benz is a multinational division of the German manufacturer Daimler AG and the Benz brand is used for luxury automobiles buses, coaches and trucks. The name Mercedes-Benz first appeared in 1926 under Daimeler-Benz, but traces origins …