… takes a look at the effects of the neoliberal policies of the past, and more specifically in the last decade under the rule of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), to transform Istanbul from an industry-based city into a finance- and service …
Wide Bay Balanced Health diabetes educator Janelle Anderson said with National Diabetes Week beginning yesterday, the key was to make people aware of the risk factors so they could make lifestyle changes to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes …
He also has a chain of gyms, a sports health clinic and a six-storey building which houses a Rio de Janeiro university, as well as a nightclub in Rio's most affluent neighbourhood, Leblon. If that isn't enough, he owns millions of pounds worth of real …
It is about understanding of the demands of increasingly affluent mainlanders and responding to their individualism, he says. "They want to get a … "They will get bored if the shopping malls display and sell only a variety of luxury items." New World …
Other nonprofit officials and commentators have defended outrageous fundraising percentages diverted to what the California Association of Nonprofit's leader, Jan Masaoka, has called the “philanthropic-consultant industrial complex” instead of …
According to “Giving USA,” an annual tally of philanthropy that was released last month, giving by corporations of all sizes jumped 9.9 percent after inflation in 2012, to $18.15-billion. Dig deeper: See a searchable database of information from more …
More than 4,000 people have already signed up from the course that will also feature philanthropic advice from baseball legend Cal Ripken Jr., the founders of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and several other prominent givers. It starts Monday. Buffett and his …
Really, how many mansions, luxury yachts, private jets or, in this case, gambling casinos can one bloke need? Obviously more! Having trampled all over regular planning and construction restraints at Barangaroo, Packer, in his greed, sees fit to ignore …
Limassol Marina has welcomed the first yachts just months after delivering the 94 luxury apartments at Nereids Residences. The delivery of the south eastern breakwater and the arrival of the first yachts mark a new era for Cyprus. Boasting a capacity …