Graffiti artists ruin $2.5m private jet · Graffiti artists ruin $2.5m private jet. IMAGINE being lucky enough to own a $2.5 million luxury private jet only to find out vandals had snuck past airport security and vandalised it. Ouch!
Graffiti artists ruin $2.5m private jet · Graffiti artists ruin $2.5m private jet. IMAGINE being lucky enough to own a $2.5 million luxury private jet only to find out vandals had snuck past airport security and vandalised it. Ouch!
Hence developers are roping in international experts to design homes, luxurious amenities are being provided in the new projects and utmost care is been taken by developers to ensure the buyer enjoys a quality lifestyle in his new home. Our only aim in …
She said: "The paintings are really about looking at luxury lifestyles, but where something might be slightly amiss. "My main interest has always been about how people relate to architecture, but more particularly for the last few years how we view …
I don't have luxury items even when I'm not on a desert island. If a movie was being made about your life, which actor would play you and why? Anthony Hopkins. There's a physical resemblance, he can do my accent and we share a liking for fava beans and …
Every year the pet category continues to expand across a wide range from food and snacks to hygiene and care products; but, the biggest category is pet luxury items. Air conditioning for the doghouse, real grass pee-pads for dogs without yards, collar …
"Skinny is a luxury item — it means you can afford to eat more fresh vegetables." The average-sized woman, she said, is a size 14, "which would not have been considered average 30 years ago, but would have been 100 years ago. The thin body image is …
… 1999 and will be exhibiting at Muirfield when the competition gets under way on Thursday. The firm, which was founded in 1866, was bought by luxury goods group Asprey in 1992 but returned to Scottish ownership in 1998 through a management buy-out.
… problems that they've not been able to solve," sources familiar with the matter told the newspaper. The timing suggests the much-rumored smart wristwatch won't be available to consumers until late next year, the sources said. … That may be the …