From ground breaking studies to Skip Brands ARF Great Mind win, 2013 has turned out to be a groundbreaking year. Most recently they revealed the results of their on-going Affluent Shopping Index™ which measured the behavior and engagement levels of …
Now, for Global Affluent Tribe members who have transcended the Zip code, who believe that where they live is not the definition of who they are, mobility is about having the freedom to journey farther. Louis Vuitton, the iconic luggage brand …
The auto pricing site predicts that dealers sold cars and trucks at an annualized rate of 15.7 million last month, the best rate since December 2007. Sales of pickups … ones that are now on sale. Ford's Lincoln luxury brand was down 1 per …
Luxury cars may get even pricier following the rupee's steep fall against the US dollar and the euro. Price tags on many lavish automobiles may be increased between R50,000 and R3 lakh, depending on the models, as their makers, who sell completely …
The recent survey was done among high school students of select schools whose demographics are male and female, middle class to affluent. Lee-Chua echoed the reaction of parents and teachers to the … That dilemma had been rendered moot and academic …
Nothing on the Tesla end was officially documented. Just trial and error! Hint: I took a deep look at their … This latest foray into hacking together a high-profile developer project may attract the attention of people like Google co-founder Sergey …
Harvey says Lamassu is planning to distribute the ATM machines globally – “ all around the world” — kicking off production at the end of August, for fall shipment. Where are the ATMs going to be situated exactly? Wherever buyers believe there is a …
To do multiparty communication, you need people who understand how to do really high-quality speech recognition. Then you need a team to translate that to the target language. Since we don't know what the conversation is going to be about, we have to …
Even Leia came to rely on him as indispensible to the rebels' cause. He was unjustly denied a medal at that ceremony at the end of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, but maybe he'll settle for being named King of the Sidekicks. …. All Reid has is …