Ford's recently previewed ultra-premium "Black Label" theme designs make their in late 2014 and could help reinvigorate a brand that has long since forgotten it was a top-selling luxury lineup more than a decade ago. "Lincoln Black Label will offer an …
Wise beyond his 25 years, Leon Jacobson understands first-hand the importance of accessible, quality care for the elderly. So he founded Serenity Rides, a soon-to-launch luxury driving service for seniors. "I saw my dad taking care of my grandmother …
I've identified five items vital to City's success in 2013. 1 — The … They can go get the ball, and Washington has to do his part in getting it to them, but an ability to make big plays down the field is so important and many teams don't have that …
It also made him realize he should switch items around based on the time of day—featuring orange juice more prominently in the morning and Diet Coke in the afternoon. Mr. Bradley adds that he now has one day off a week, a luxury he's never allowed …
… using stolen public funds, and his lawyers argue the U.S. has no grounds to seize them. In 2012, the French government managed to seize his mansion worth more than 100 million dollars, where they also found millions more in luxury goods and cars.
And just last year, the French government seized his $100 million-plus mansion, where they found millions more in luxury goods and cars. The U.S. government's original case was thrown out in April 2012 but now the Justice Department has filed a new …
Nobody seems to question that Jesse Jackson Jr. crossed the line by purchasing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of luxury goods with his campaign funds, including a $44,000 Rolex. For those offenses the former congressman from Chicago was …
According to the post, one was told by a case officer that the supermarket card was for "necessity items only", and she could not use it for various "luxury items" including tampons and pads. Another friend tried to use the payment card at the local …
Luxury hotels “have no choice but to follow the people's route, and promote to mid-range consumers,” one manager told the Yangcheng Evening news. His hotel has extended morning tea to 2 p.m. to attract residents of a nearby housing estate. Jennifer …