EzyFlix aims to be device-agnostic, although in return you might find it more cumbersome than the offerings designed for your gadgets of choice. It's great …. It's true that iTunes is a secure ecosystem which enforces DRM, but EzyFlix locks you into …
Nvidia went a little outside of its comfort zone when it built the Shield, a portable gaming device based on essentially stock Android with an integrated hardware controller. I wasn't sure what to make of it when it was announced: Was it a reference …
Shipments of gadgets that are 5 inches or bigger in screen size are predicted to surge nearly nine-fold to 228 million during the next three years. Estimates … Apple, by contrast, has been releasing one model a year that targets high–end consumers. A …
Those fears are probably being fuelled by the apparent death-spiral of the once iconic smartphone maker BlackBerry, which in a few short years has gone from making the world's must-have gadget to looking for a buyer or a partner to help stem its rapid …
Bottom line: affluent societies procreate increasingly self-indulgent citizens who are unable or unwilling to regenerate themselves. … (where they usually don't pay taxes due to umpteen loopholes for the wealthy) or sliding downhill into subsistence …
LONDON Aug 19 (Reuters) – Britain's gold exports to Switzerland surged in the first half of this year, Australian bank Macquarie said on Monday, suggesting bullion being sold out of exchange-traded funds may be heading for Swiss refineries before being …
Investors including hedge fund managers John Paulson and George Soros had been liquidating positions in the popular SPDR Gold Trust ETF, which “really killed gold,” says O'Neill. Then last week that same ETF saw positive inflows for the first time …
According to international analysts, the State Bank's devaluation of the dong by 1 per cent against US dollars in late June did not reflect Vietnam's foreign currency tension. “From 2011, Vietnam's exports always surpassed those of … Movitel, a joint …
Moore should be pushed on questions of the fate of Canadian jobs, the devaluation of Canadian companies and long-term competitive outlooks, not dealing with slings and spies. The minister likes a good fight. The telecoms should give him one — on …