Anthony, who already runs building and cleaning companies, said: “We will have clothes which have just come from the catwalk and unique items of furniture. … Cheltenham is the perfect market for the shop because of the affluent people who live here.”.
Since he retook the top job in April, Ullman has brought back coupons, frequent sales and basic merchandise like khakis and jeans that Johnson eliminated in a failed attempt to attract hipper, more-affluent shoppers. The latest report offered signs the …
Soon a low-income project in Harlem and a new luxury condominium will be getting the high-tech security system. A one-building pilot project at the 1,600-unit Knickerbocker Village has been using the SafeRise program from the Israeli-based FST21 that …
Superior, deluxe, or luxury room accommodations; VIP (Very Important Pet) arrival amenity with food and water bowls, place mat, scoop bags; Waived pet cleaning fee; Complimentary pet entrée from the Loews Loves Pets room service menu with the …
The luxury chain controlled by Tata Sons Ltd. had 38.18 billion rupees ($602 million) of debt as of March, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The company, with 22 resorts from the U.S. to Mauritius, reported a loss of 191 million … Mistry is …
21 (Bloomberg) — Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, the world's biggest maker of luxury cars, is struggling to deliver spare parts on time because of a new supply-management system, forcing customers to wait for repairs. About 10 percent of the parts are …
The luxury travel segment, which is usually immune to such price movements, is now starting to feel the heat as well. Abercrombie & Kent, which offers luxury, customised tours catering to high net worth clients, says enquiries have dropped in the last …
Tallahassee's Neighborhood Medical Center expands …: After three years, the Neighborhood Medical Center has expanded its reach beyond the heart of Tallahassee's Frenchtown and into rural Havana. The full medical facility will mirror services offered …
“These findings confirm that Individual Marketing is a uniquely effective way to generate profitable incremental revenue in the luxury hospitality environment,” said Daniel Gates, SweetBeam VP – Client Services. “With Individual Marketing, hoteliers …