Digging a trench under the punishing midday sun, Thomas Lokinga stops only when he needs to wipe the sweat from his face. He is determined to find a nugget of gold amid the hard-baked ground in Nanakanak, in the eastern part of South Sudan, the …
They were apparently well organized and influential enough to stand up to the National Park Service. This park's mission … Of late, those who seem to have the most say in these matters tend to come from the well educated, mostly affluent strata of …
… highest spending, most affluent customers – were routed first to live human agents who would give them a pitch designed to sell some additional service or product before eventually transferring them to the automated prompts that would activate …
But I come from a relatively affluent community. My family pushed me to succeed and … Maybe they made poor choices in life, but maybe they just were born into a situation and lifestyle with few opportunities to better themselves. I can't even imagine …
Those traits are what have helped our affluent-focused digital media company overcome the recession and grow at a rate that secured our position on this list." The 2013 Inc. 500, unveiled in the September issue of Inc. … With more than 1,000 …
He has a degree in Urban Planning from the University of Colorado, and lives a car-free lifestyle in Northwest Washington. His posts are his own opinions and do not represent the views of his employer in any way. He runs the ….. [Deleted for …
The developer of the Hotel Americano has obtained more than $80 million of financing for two new high–end residential condominiums that will sprout next to the High Line elevated park next year. Manhattan-based Blackhouse Development has reached a …
“It's really taken a move towards some of the top markets globally, certainly in North America, where we have investors from all over the globe looking towards Ottawa,” said Nathan Smith, senior vice-president for the capital markets group of real …
Some analysts see it as the markets reacting to an end—real or perceived—of the Bernanke boom. "What we are witnessing is a huge bubble, a Bernanke bubble if you will," said Tim Lee of Pi Economics, an independent consultancy based in Greenwich, …