Thieves posing as PG&E workers stole jewelry and cash from two elderly residents of the affluent Crocker Highlands neighborhood in Oakland Tuesday afternoon, police said. About 2:30 p.m. in the 1200 block of Sunnyhills Road, two men claiming to be …
Cyprus, Portugal and Greece are hot spots for the newly affluent Asians, according to SouFun Holdings Ltd., owner of Chinaís biggest real estate website and an organizer of overseas purchasing tours for Chinese seeking cheap properties and a chance to …
We did things together and talked about stuff that had nothing to do with legal matters. … It's just harder without it—Facebook is the largest social network in the world and the fastest growing groups joining Facebook are older, affluent people …
The sub-region is already home to MBNA and Marks & Spencer Money, Bentley Motors and GM Vauxhall, EA Technology, United Utilities and Scottish Power. Louise Morrissey said the list of sites, which includes Birchwood Park, Lingley Mere and Midpoint …
The main reason some luxury resorts can get away with charging your kid $30 for a burger or $20 a day for WiFi is because they know you probably won't leave the compound to find a better deal. As I've written in this column (See 10 Coolest All …
JOHANNESBURG Aug 22 (Reuters) – South African gold producer Gold Fields said on Thursday it plans to buy Barrick Gold's Australian assets for $300 million. The acquisition will add 452,000 ounces to Gold Fields' annual production. Gold Fields expects …
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South Africa's labor unrest widened on Thursday as tens of thousands of construction workers prepared to down tools next week and unions in the gold sector also signaled their intention to call a strike over wages.
(Kitco News) – Comex gold futures prices have traded both sides of unchanged in early U.S. dealings Thursday. Gold and silver market bulls are impressed with their markets' ability to hold steady to higher price levels, given the stronger U.S. dollar …
VENICE BEACH, Calif. — A new iPhone that could possibly be gold-colored has been the talk of the Internet all week. How's it play in real life? We went down to the beach to gauge consumer reaction. — "That's a great idea," says Nora Ghods, of Los …