OVER time, as demand oscillates, it can be observed that airlines adjust the size of the aircraft in their respective fleets and change the frequency of the service that they offer. … Aviation and the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) under the …
Chris Lane was jogging in an affluent neighborhood of Duncan when he was gunned down at random last week. Three boys— ages 15, 16 and 17 — have been charged in the Melbourne native's death. An online fund for Lane's family stood at … A private …
“The benefits of taking a comprehensive approach to a client's financial situation is compelling for both the bank and the client, in that it supports a collaborative pursuit of desired outcomes versus the promotion of investment or insurance products …
Tim Hunt, Rabobank's New York-based global dairy strategist, says the US is reorienting towards the global marketplace, attracted by the allure of better returns across some product categories, and could emerge as a competitor to Australian dairy …
Under 340B, drug manufacturers are required to sell their products at a discount to such institutions. The discounted prescriptions are dispensed either through the caregiver's in-house pharmacy or through a contractual arrangement with an outside …
In a previous article , I noted that the decline of Wal-Mart and Macy's represents weakened discretionary spending from lower to middle income households, but higher-end retailers, such as Tiffany & Co. and Michael Kors , have been spared thanks to …
Remember that this all took place during an unprecedented increase in affluence and obesity in America. So, for example, consumption of flour and cereal products, where servings are measured in ounces as opposed to cups for fruit and vegetables, …
Related Items … The paper also notes that some affluent parents no doubt spend plenty of money on their children — for music lessons, trips to Disney World, expensive clothing, elaborate toys and games, and on education, including private school …
IN VEGAS Magazine is a Spanish-language publication geared toward affluent Mexican travelers to the destination. Inside the venue, Porrino and her friends were greeted by Hyde's servers waving IN VEGAS Magazine signs, sparklers and …. Chef, author …