But till the currency settles itself, let's have a look at how continuous depreciation of the Indian currency will affect the common man. … Also, a weak rupee will make Indian produce more competitive in global markets which will be fruitful for …
Boston, MA — (SBWIRE) — 08/23/2013 — The economic depression will linger in 2013 as deep fiscal retrenchment and internal devaluation take their toll. The prospect of further spending cuts and tax hikes will ensure that demonstrations and national …
Policy makers from Latin America and Asia criticized the second round of purchases, which totaled $600 billion, as a threat to local economies, a spur to inflation and the start of a competitive devaluation of the dollar. Brazilian Finance Minister …
(Devaluation is under a fixed exchange rate mechanism.) Unfortunately, forces sometimes work in different directions. India may have a higher inflation rate than USA. For Indian exports of goods and services to remain competitive vis-à-vis US products …
In this interview with MOSES ALAO, the man who recently clocked 70, speaks on the poor state of education, why government should stop paying lip service to employment issues and the need for the affluent to be more patriotic. You were 70 in June …
Image 1 of 8: Hassan Malek: Having gone into business with Shater in 1983, Malek's prominence in the Brotherhood is undeniable – his venture into software has made him filthy rich and accordingly boosted his party position. He has import/export deals …
More than 600 state and federal firefighters were working to get the blaze under control and protect property in the affluent resort region that's a second home to celebrities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Hanks and Bruce Willis. Another 1,000 …
Less-skilled workers, meanwhile, get access to affluent customers, who are willing to pay more for service jobs. If you care about upward mobility and economic growth and the skills mismatch that is contributing to long-term unemployment, you have to …
Darrell Issa, R-Vista, took the top spot as the most affluent member of Congress with a reported $355 million of net worth in 2012, according to The Hill's "50 Wealthiest Lawmakers" list, released Tuesday. Issa's wealth rose by more than $214 million …