“These losses could just be the cost of doing business or they could be a major new risk for companies and nations as these illicit acquisitions damage global economic competitiveness and undermine technological advantage," the report said. McAfee …
Recent slide in local currencies by most of these nations have given a competitive edge over regional mills but in turn has led to weakening levels. Turkish mills have remained pushy on price levels with shortage of material after … Iran on the other …
Finally, the post-collapse devaluation of the krona has made Icelandic commodities more competitive on global markets, giving the country the trade surplus it desperately needs to amass foreign currency. But the lionization of Iceland glosses over …
… impact of geographic and product mix on the company's sales; the impact of competitive products and pricing, including generic competition, drug reimportation and disruptive technologies; the availability of acceptable raw materials and component …
“So while the recent rand devaluation may have prompted a small amount of local listed property disinvestment, the fact that it fell so fast but hasn't continued on that trajectory means most investors will probably have elected to sit tight for now …
"The transaction ensures a long-term supply of high quality turkeys at competitive prices." Ernald Enterprises, which currently supplies to Maple Leaf's turkey processing operations, owns 1,200 acres of agricultural … Indeed, the most significant …
The Indian Economy is suddenly faced with numerous issues, among them a sharp devaluation of the national currency, the rupee. And the … Exports will become cheaper – this will make domestic producers more competitive in the global market. Exporters …
In addition, the agreement to “refrain from competitive devaluation” is also viewed as a positive result for South Korea, which is affected by “Abenomics,” or the economic policy by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Hyun was on a busy schedule before …
They also restated their commitment to "refrain from competitive devaluation", and said they "will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes." Rather, the participants agreed to "move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange …