The report reveals the emerging trends about spending, investing and income patterns of India's Ultra High Networth Households (ultra HNHs) amidst prolonged economic uncertainty. In this edition, the report's special focus areas are: first, what a …
The Vanity purchase theory does not appear probable either- people who work closely with him do not paint of picture of him lolling around in luxury yachts. As for political ambitions, considering that Amazon is right now a company in its prime, that …
In June, the conglomerate said it was buying privately held British yacht-maker Sunseeker for £320 million (HK$3.8 billion) and would invest £700 million to build a 160-room luxury hotel and apartment complex overlooking London's River Thames.
Mark Terebin on yacht. The brothers, who speak out strongly against homosexuality, spend the millions they earn from the site on luxury yachts, fast cars, beautiful women and champagne. Hannah, 14, of Lutterworth, Leicestershire, was found hanged in …
Robert Kuok, Asia's seventh-richest man, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, is developing luxury residential and commercial buildings at picturesque Puteri Harbour, where yacht owners dock their vessels. “Iskandar is taking shape as the …
Versa Capital Management believes its investment will be the wind at the back of sportfishing yacht and boat builders Hatteras Yachts Inc. and Cabo Yachts Inc. Versa said in a news release it has bought the operating businesses of the pair from …
By paying workers less, they were able to sell their products for lower prices. Lower prices … Like it or not, we living today are as affluent as we are because of the profits (capital) that those earlier capitalists did not pay out in wages to their …
The warning sent out about a hardware flaw that can expose a Japanese-made luxury toilet operated by an Android application to hacking has a cautionary tale. The notion that an evil-minded, Bluetoothed prankster can manipulate a $5,700 WC to go potty …
“[It's] great for consumers, brutal for component suppliers and handset makers.” A half-decade ago, smartphones were seen as luxury accessories in China, dangled as status symbols by aspirational Beijing and Shanghai residents; back then, Apple (AAPL) …