As auction sales improve, high net worth individuals in the country are expected to up their spending on luxury items. In a recent poll, the researchers found 22 per cent of collectors expect the market to rise this year, while 15 per cent think it …
Critics have pointed out that the budget omitted such luxury items as food and heat, that it made absurdly low estimates for medical insurance — and that, most strikingly of all, it appeared to suggest that its workers should maintain two full-time jobs.
Once a national corporate communications specialist, McDermott said she battled despair for almost a decade, relying on career success and the acquisition of luxury items to achieve it. "I was earning six figures and I had a wardrobe full of shoes and …
The Troika programme for Greece has entailed IMF-style austerity without the IMF cure of devaluation, which was ruled out by euro membership. … “By now it would probably be exporting its way back to growth with a more competitive drachma,” he said.
By commenting, you agree to our terms of service and to abide by our commenting policy. About. Pandagon is the go-to zone for eye-rolling at conservative nonsense, feminist rants, election-watching, and obsessing over low-rated but critically acclaimed …
To earn their cash, teens will turn to fast food service (27%), grocery stores (16%), landscaping (15%), babysitting (12%) and waiting tables (11%), and expect to earn an average of $456. No matter what their summer job plans, 96% of parents say their …
Of course, [such events] help us to sell real estate," said Andrey Shcherbakov, head of the real estate department at "Rietumu Banka," a private Latvian bank for affluent individuals mainly from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other former …
Such a network will be able to support the relatively simple service needs of the mass market as well as the more in-depth service requirements of mass affluent and affluent customers. But the banking industry must tread a careful path to this destination.
Demand from increasingly affluent China and Southeast Asian nations has driven a surge in elephant poaching in recent years, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of the animals annually, wildlife monitoring groups say. But in a new development …