Arizona Public Service Co. is proposing charging customers who install rooftop solar panels $50 to $100 or more a month to cover the cost of maintaining the power grid. The request will be filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission on Friday and …
“Orange Is the New Black,” Netflix's hilarious, addictive, fantastic new series about the goings-on at a low-security women's prison, is available in its entirety right now on the streaming service, which presents a problem. I want to tell you how much …
From the Chamber offices in the Oak Cliff tower, Stimson points to maps depicting Bishop Arts and much of the surrounding Oak Cliff area—and is downright giddy as he traces the path of the upcoming DART shuttle service set to begin in November. The …
Courtesy of OneWorld Now! OneWorld Now! students from last summer's trip to Morocco, where students lived with host families, performed community service and studied Arabic for a month. … “I can tell you that the majority of those who go abroad are …
Pandagon is the go-to zone for eye-rolling at conservative nonsense, feminist rants, election-watching, and obsessing over low-rated but critically acclaimed television. Jesse Taylor and Amanda Marcotte may take politics very seriously, but egos not so …
By dint of heredity alone, he owns huge estates throughout the country, and has power over the lives of countless people whose labour maintains him in the lap of luxury. In our opinion he is the best and most conclusive argument we have for a republic.
W HEN hit by two lots of crippling death duties in a relatively short space of time, the Lowther family decided to sell off their manors and estate holdings in West Cumberland to help meet the bill. Their cherished ancestral home was in the east of the …
This is a beautiful, single-story, four-bedroom, four-and-a-half-bathroom, custom island home located in the prestigious Pineapple Hill Estates. The luxurious retreat has 4,121 square feet of living area and is situated on nearly a half-acre of prime …
The ad invited all travellers who were looking for “luxury and gay society” to consider ”cosmopolitan“ Nassau. This is what was expected of the … You still see walled estates there including the home of the US Ambassador.” (Clarke, 1983). These …