Published this past April, the 2013 survey, which incorporated responses from more than 30,000 runners, showed that today's core runners are highly educated, with 76% having earned a college degree, and affluent, with 73% reporting a household … to …
Yet their brands, so far, haven't turned tired or over-familiar, and by their own and analysts' estimates they are not much more than halfway to their potential size. Wall Street's push-pull. Each of these burgeoning retailers qualifies, on Wall Street …
In countries such as the UK and Denmark, traditional news brands dominate with 80 per cent or more of the online audience, whereas in Japan and the US, online-only news sites and aggregators are used far more by consumers. In the UK, the public still …
This is heightened in lower-tier cities, where the optimistic sentiment of middle-class and affluent consumers (MACs) has dropped by double digits this year. Research conducted by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)'s Center for Consumer and Customer …
And while the wealthy may be less concerned with purchasing certain luxury items, they are not about to stop spending. Affluent consumers are expecting to boost spending in key discretionary categories, such as electronics and automobiles, according to …
Senate immigration bill full of bad, so-far-ignored provisions · Google executive: GPA, test scores 'worthless' for hiring. Videos. 10 things younger than Dianne Feinstein [SLIDESHOW]. 9:16 PM 06/21/2013. Top 10: Worst celebrity baby names [SLIDESHOW].
The only manner in which the LTTE rump based in the affluent countries can continue to receive their ill-gotten benefits, either with the help of the misguided stances of local politicians or by forcing the hundreds of thousands of illegal Tamil …
As London frets over the bureaucratic obstacles placed in the way of high-spending visitors from Beijing or Shanghai, Paris is reaping the reward of an official drive to make the city the destination of choice for hundreds of thousands of increasingly …
SOUTHBOROUGH— The Police Department in this affluent town has stockpiled hundreds of seized drugs from as long ago as 1992, an unusual practice that has raised suspicion that drugs could be missing or at risk of theft. … station include heroin …