Opulently decorated with silken drapes and sparkling lanterns, this Ramadan tent even houses prayers rooms. The variety of food is not vast but the quality of Lebanese and Emirati classics is good. We were less impressed by the service and manner in …
“Orchard Pig consumers are typically affluent and open-minded, wanting an authentic but accessible cider – half of cider drinkers are happy to pay more for premium cider. And you won't … What is most important about the product to consumers? “Taste …
THE idea of buying a home in Penang is akin to window-shopping at a high–end mall; one can only admire, touch and feel but buying one is a distant dream. Land is scarce on the turtle-shaped island, with more than 30 per cent covered … Real Estate and …
But while some people are still able to afford the sky-high prices, most Malaysians can't. "I think it has come to the point where maybe up to 60 per cent of Malaysians cannot afford to purchase properties," said real estate valuer Dr Ernest Cheong …
Very well maintained one bedroom apartment close to all amenities. Perfect for a young couple and best of all, your small pet is allowed! Very high–end new carpet and underpad, crown moulding throughout and new high efficiency stainless steel appliances.
A healthy number of these sales went for above list price in the first half of 2013, it says in its latest Top Tier Real Estate Report. The $1 million to $2 million range saw almost all of the sales activity for luxury attached homes in the four …
Gurgaon, 30 km south of Delhi, has emerged as the top real estate market among the hubs adjacent to major cities, giving higher returns to investors. In 2012-13 … The boom in residential space came at the end of the 1990s and gained scale from 2002.
The McDonald's is located at 275 Fourth Avenue at First Street, and it was purchased for $14.8 million by a partnership between Silverstone Property Group and Adam America Real Estate. They plan to build a "very high–end" 75,000-square-foot building …
"Bentley Motors today confirms that it will proceed with the development of the Bentley SUV," which would be made in Crewe in Britain and go on sale in 2016, the automaker said in a statement earlier this week. "It will create over 1,000 jobs" in Britain.