One leg of righteousness can be utilized for service, spiritual practices, compassion, help and generosity. This is its creative aspect. The second aspect is to oppose immoral behaviour. Without this righteousness is unfulfilled and imbalanced. In …
With a shrunken tax base, the city cannot even service its debt of more than $17 billion, or $25,000 for every resident. Desperate times call for harsh measures. … Many affluent suburbanites hate the idea. The suburbs that encircle Detroit are …
The chauffeur service Ride Command has motored into the Tampa Bay area in hopes of picking up where a similar company called Uber left off. • Ride Command lets customers use a mobile phone app to order a ride right away for a predetermined price or …
Throughout history, except for the affluent population, women have done much of the work, and they still do. Since the 1950s, when I travelled …. We will always have petroleum products and the uses will extend to the distant future. However, we will …
(Which raises the question: Why had hedge-fund advertising been banned, ostensibly to protect the wealthy and investment professionals, while lottery ads have always been permitted, even though they delude the poor and unsuspecting into gambling away …
They could be — when and if they ever move from being taxpayer-subsidized toys for the affluent to products that provide value on their own. But that glorious day has not yet arrived. If you asked me who might actually be today's Luddites, people who …
Lahore's famous M M Alam Road is revered for its international affluent elegant stores, exclusive brands and luxury dine outs. But on the evening of June 29, the premium lifestyle boulevard transformed into the London's popular Bond Street becoming hub …
Related Items …. talent in physics and calligraphy; Ye Mengyuan was a champion gymnast who excelled in literature. Both were part of a trend among affluent Chinese families willing to spend thousands of dollars to send their children to the U.S. for …
Consider it a palate cleanser for what's to come: The true high season of July and August. It feels like we've seen it all, but we ain't seen nothin' yet. …. Their eyes and minds are not fixed on smartphones or other gadgets, and pop-culture …