"The economy was being strangled by the higher Australian dollar, which meant our labour rates were not competitive by global standards, but a falling currency helps restore that competitiveness and I suspect that this is likely to be a goal of the RBA …
In the past, G8 leaders have made comments about “refraining from competitive devaluation of currencies.” Meanwhile, oil prices have been climbing on the rising tensions in Syria, but some analysts have suggested that rally could end because G8 leaders …
Zain noted that the devaluation of the Sudanese pound against the dollar, by 53 per cent in the 12 months to end-March, predominantly reduced group revenue by US$179 million, EBITDA by US$76 million, and net profit by US$44 million. … Revenues in …
"The other problem they will encounter is the accusation, especially by trade partners, that they are indulging in 'competitive devaluation' of their currency." The name of the game is trying to second guess what central banks will do. In the UK this …
The dollar and the currency wars — Here's a pretty good explanation of currency war from Wikipedia – “Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation, is a condition in international affairs where countries compete against each other to achieve a …
During the summit, the fear was expressed that the fall in the value of the yen caused by Mr. Abe's economic policy might trigger a competitive round of currency devaluation. Exports account for only about 15 percent of Japan's gross domestic product.
To re-establish the competitiveness-price within the euro zone, the Commission is recommending a strategy for countries in difficulties consisting of 'internal devaluation[7]', which means blocking nominal salaries, or even reducing them somewhat, as …
One standard economic tool for reducing such negative impacts is to manage a currency devaluation, making exports more competitive and thereby producing compensating increases in jobs and taxes. But Prof MacDonald's point is that if Scotland is in a …
The large debt load combined with Italy's inability to devalue itself back to competitiveness via an external devaluation (devalue the currency) means that the debt load cannot be inflated away, like it was in 1992. Rather, the government needs to …