Dhol Baja lyrics – Darshan Raval : Get lyrics and music video of this song here on LyricsBell.com
Get Lyrics of Dhol Baja Song which is sung by Darshan Raval. Full lyrics and music video is available on LyricsBell.com Its lyrics are penned by Danish Sabri.
Dhol Baja lyrics – Darshan Raval : Get lyrics and music video of this song here on LyricsBell.com
Behna Ne Bhai Ki Kalai Se Lyrics – Suman Kalyanpur : Behna Ne Bhai Ki Kalai Se lyrics from Resham Ki Dori is Hindi song in the voice of Suman Kalyanpur. Behna Ne Bhai Ki Kalai Se song lyrics are written by Indeevar.
Zohra Jamal Hoon Bemisaal Song : Zohra Jamal Hoon Bemisaal Lyrics from Resham Ki Dori is Hindi song in the voice of Asha Bhosle. Zohra Jamal Hoon Bemisaal song lyrics are written by Indeevar, its tune is made by Shankar Jaikishan.
Hai Jag Mein Jiska Naam Amar Song : Hai Jag Mein Jiska Naam Amar Lyrics from Resham Ki Dori is Hindi song in the voice of Manna Dey. Hai Jag Mein Jiska Naam Amar song lyrics are written by Neeraj, its tune is made by Shankar Jaikishan.
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