Both fat folks and queer folks face violence, lack adequate protection against employment discrimination, and are often disparaged for "choosing" an "unhealthy lifestyle." Yes, fat people can get married, but many thin people would … For example, in …
Then there are the less affluent Alawites, Christians and other minorities who have supported the Assads (and received government jobs and other preferences) and cannot really afford to flee. The most likely to leave are trained professionals who can …
Hence the obsession with beating up older, more affluent women and stealing possessions that will earn them peer respect: cars, cash, handbags and mobiles. Twentyman scoops his phone from the table and begins stabbing the keys. After a brief "Hello", …
According to him, affluent bride price is outmoded and advocate for the abolishment of the practice which for him does not augur well in modern times. He believes parents should not … “Some of the items demanded are so much. Some even require for 20 …
China's cotton area is projected to decline 21 percent during the decade, which should bode well for U.S. cotton as more affluent Chinese consumers satisfy their demonstrated preference for cotton goods. While the economic picture for the two countries …
I try to keep a straight face when I see it being taken at face value by the consumer. The western road … I am blessed to have this firehose of sentiment, this pipeline of insights about business and life and the mood of their fellow affluent …
This impasse is reflected in the intensive competition between corporations like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, etc, for an increasingly saturated market in electronic consumer goods (iPhones, iPads, tablets, etc) and the various applications and …
The sun shone as residents made the most of the entertainment on offer at the Bentley Bonanza on Sunday in Bentley Park. The popular event showcased local singing and dancing talent and also featured a fun fair. * Photographs are available to buy …
A Famous Five package saw five couples speeding off in an exact replica of the 1965 Morris Minor Cooper S, a 1970 E-type Jaguar, a 1987 Lamborghini Muira, a 1965 Aston Martin DB5 – used in the James Bond film Goldeneye, and a 27-litre 1930 Bentley …