Emerging from a devastating Second World War characterised by mass unemployment, competitive currency devaluation and collapse of commodity prices in 1944 the world came together in Bretton Woods outside New Hampshire in what is now known as …
Prices actually fell after the 1931 devaluation – and inflation fell again in 1992 when we came out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism and the pound went down by nearly 20pc. Can we get the pound down? Look at what Japan is doing. Last autumn, there were …
DAMAC Properties, a largest private luxury developer in the Middle East, announced the launch of a number of luxury real estate projects across the region during the first half of the year, with luxury serviced hotel apartments accounting for the …
… at 900 Washington St., which is also the society's headquarters. More than 40 New England vendors will sell their products, including plants, handmade crafts and jewelry, soaps, baked goods, teas, herbs, vegetables, garden products, clothing and …
Electroplating results in a fine coating of precious metal over another material using an electrochemical reaction. The process of … The electroplating process is used in the jewelry, automotive, optics, and decorative arts industries. Applications …
This fall she starts the master of fine arts program at Mills College, majoring in choreography and performing. In addition to performing, Baines is project manager for education and artistic programs at Montalvo Arts … Kruk is an artist with a …
JEWELRY, CARS? How about pieces of jewelry and cars? Danny D says cars are necessities for stars, but then buy only what you can afford. Why drive a Chedeng or BMW or even Rolls Royce when a Toyota or a Korean car will do? Jewelry is fine, Danny D …
It's a mosaic-in-progress that artist Janna Bowman works on in spare moments between two jobs and weekends at art fairs selling her wares — mosaics, jewelry, sun catchers, candle holders, chandeliers, hanging lamps, terrariums and other objects made …
Harry Stonecipher, Boeing. <a href="http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2005-03-07/the-affair-that-grounded-stonecipher">Harry Stonecipher</a>, former CEO of Boeing, resigned in 2005 because he had an affair with a Boeing company executive. … Jack …