Yes, we have a lot of affluent people here. That said, most of them would not be caught DEAD in downtown CC after dark because of, dirty diapers, cars “keyed”, gangs etc,etc. Why would they? Since the Police cannot prevent car “keying” and vandalism …
Obviously, wealthy people have different lifestyle from most ordinary people. With plenty of money to spend, surely, they can buy … Thus, most affluent people can afford to be in this place, both men and women. When talking about gaming centers, Las …
We delved deeper and discovered that according to a study by the Metropolitan Chicago Information Center approximately 60 percent of Chicago's major grocers are located on the affluent North side of the city. Image showing The Wellness Garden By Tata …
That's not a knock on Chapman or Taylor Schilling, the actress who plays her: There's just no shortage of affluent, self-aware, educated narcissists who enjoy the creature comforts of a Brooklyn lifestyle on TV. There has been a shortage, though, of …
The CEO Magazine spoke with Glen Sealey about the luxury cars business, maintaining prestige, and his illustrious career in the automotive industry. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Google+ Share on LinkedIn Email a friend. Sydney, NSW …
In the tradition of the finest luxury automobiles, even the smallest details seem to have been carefully thought through with the driver's comfort in mind, from the gentle, eye-friendly gauge illumination to the satisfying way in which the steering …
The German luxury auto brands continue to play a fiercely competitive game for global dominance in their segment, and barely a week goes by that BMW, Audi or Mercedes-Benz doesn't lay down some sort of gambit meant at edging the other two out of the …
Dubai property developers, many of them linked to the government, have announced a string of massive real estate projects over the past nine months, including high–end housing, shopping malls and amusement parks – reminiscent of previous building …
Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX ) will release its quarterly report on Thursday, and with the entire industry having gotten hit hard by the recent plunge in gold prices, it's no surprise to have seen the stock drop sharply in the past few months. Yet gold …