Also showing art and handcrafted jewelry by 10 local artists. Hours: 6-9 … Teachers from 14 schools came together with the curator of education from the FSU Museum of Fine Arts to organize the show and its various educational components. Through July 12.
DGSE Companies, Inc. (NYSE MKT: DGSE), a leading wholesaler and retailer of jewelry, diamonds, fine watches, and precious metal bullion and rare coin products, today announced that it has opened a Dallas Gold & Silver Exchange retail location in …
Brazil and other countries that complained about "hot money" inflows and "currency wars" now suddenly got what they wished for: a likely early end of the Fed's QE. The consequences — sharp capital-flow reversals hitting all risky emerging-market …
… brutal re-pricing of currencies and both local and foreign currency fixed-income assets. Brazil and other countries that complained about “hot money” inflows and “currency wars,” have now suddenly gotten what they wished for: a likely early end of …
… re-pricing of currencies and both local- and foreign-currency fixed-income assets. Brazil and other countries that complained about "hot money" inflows and "currency wars," have now suddenly gotten what they wished for: a likely early end of the …
EM countries used to be afraid of letting their currencies float. Capital inflows may have triggered an appreciation of the currency and led to a loss of competitiveness. This is the reason why many EM countries have adopted pegged or semi-pegged …
Comments from SNB vice president Danthine at an event in Montreal: CHF policy wasn't a competitive devaluation Translation: it was a competitive devaluation Update: Swiss franc remains strong, posing a challenge Franc cap is an indispensable part of …
"Due to delays in internal devaluation, to reduce an overly expensive gross-net salary ratio, to rationalise generous collection agreements in the public sector and to adjust energy prices to EU standards, pressure is continuing on competitiveness …
That the dollar remains the dominant global reserve currency despite its devaluation over the years is mainly because there is as yet no credible alternative. For a while it looked as if the Euro might challenge, and indeed, even in the wake of the …