Both were part of a trend among affluent Chinese families willing to spend thousands of dollars to send their children to the U.S. for a few weeks in the summer to practice English and hopefully boost their chances of attending a U.S. college. Wang and …
"They had the items in hand. They took turns knocking on the door and they said, 'Hi, my name is such and such and there was some break-ins into some unlocked cars last night. We were the ones that were responsible. We're really sorry and apologetic …
The supermarket operator has also added premium items like expensive cheese to stores in affluent markets in an attempt to take shoppers away from higher-end chains like Whole Foods Market (WFM). Kroger reported last month a 9.6% increase in …
Family Office Review, the London-based, global wealth online magazine for ultra–high net worth families and wealth advisors, hosted their awards gala to honor the achievements of single family offices, multi-family offices and the distinguished …
Around the swollen canals of Shanghai and Beijing on the east coast and sometimes inflammatory regions of the west such as ethnically divided Xinjiang, the need to maintain social cohesion is paramount, complicated for government by some very …
Billionaire Anton Marden's iPad controlled mega yacht “Adastra” captured three awards including 'Newcomer of the Year Award' and 'Naval Architecture Award' at this years ShowBoats Design Awards held in Monaco. Besides looking like a space ship, the …
Almost 200 metres long and 12 decks high, the luxury vessel dwarfed the handful of traditional hookers which sailed out from local ports to give it a proper West of Ireland welcome. The World is the largest privately owned yacht, with 165 individual …
Building the largest superyacht in the world apparently wasn't enough for the owner of Azzam. They also wanted the fastest. Yachting executives say that Azzam, the largest yacht in the world at 590 feet, recently went through its first set of sea …
In addition to standard body scrubs, massages, facials and salon services offered at this lavish spa set on 70 acres in eastern Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains, there's now a special package of treatments created in collaboration with the owner of …