The looming war between old-school utilities and rooftop solar seems to be developing a battlefront in Arizona, and "California billionaires" are the new villains. At issue is the conflict over so-called "net metering" policies, under which property …
By all accounts, Lucas Duplan is a born tech entrepreneur. The 22-year-old from Orinda, California, began selling iPod cases on eBay when he was still in short trousers. On trips to his grandmother's home in Croatia as a teenager, he would rent out her …
The mid-range container-owner is here to fill rail carriages with air-conditioners, laptops or nylon carpets to travel back to the bustling bazaars of the Ferghana Valley, where he will re-sell his items in bulk to retailers in affluent Kazakhstan or …
In recent years, the Finnish company has been losing share to high–end devices such as the iPhone and various Android phones as well as cheaper devices from Asian manufacturers such as ZTE. Nokia has partnered with Microsoft and its Windows system …
Lightweight sliders of premium brushed stainless steel complete the high–end look and a single sided detachable cable with in-line remote and mic for Apple iDevices means easy control for music, making and receiving calls. The Momentum On-Ears are …
This eWEEK slide show takes a deeper look at Samsung's business, covering not only the popular mobile devices, such as the Galaxy S 4, but also some of its high–end televisions, computers and other neat gadgets that make Samsung one of the most …
NICOSIA, July 12 (Reuters) – Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades said on Friday he hoped there would never be a need for the island to sell its gold reserves, stipulated in an international bailout for Cyprus. A sale of its gold reserves is among …
H. R. 2635 is titled: "To award a Congressional Gold Medal to Hank Aaron, in recognition of his contributions to the national pastime of baseball and his perseverance in overcoming discrimination and adversity to become a role model for all Americans.".
Included in the tour is a 360-degree picture of the gold vaults, which houses more than 400,000 bars of the precious metal deep within the bank. The gold is held for the UK government, central banks and members of the London Bullion Market Association.