“It (growth) stemmed from the company's high brand equity and value, reliable products and its people,” Gingco said at the sidelines of ICI Mandaue's 15th year anniversary celebration. He said Cebu's automotive industry is growing consistently …
Wealth levels studies conducted of wealthy investors by Spectrem's Millionaire Corner find investors developing an increasingly independent streak. Almost one-third (32 percent) of Millionaires identify themselves as self-directed, meaning they make …
CEDAR FALLS, Iowa — The Association of Fundraising Professionals Northeast Iowa Chapter is currently accepting nominations for the 2013 National Philanthropy Day celebration Nov. 14 at Park Place Event Centre. The award categories are Gift of the …
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t)Peter Buffett, the second son of billionaire investor Warren Buffett, worries that the state of philanthropy in America “just keeps the existing structure of inequality in place.” At meetings of charitable …
The neutral country's sanctions list for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) also includes equipment for golf, horseback riding, water sports, billiards and casinos, as well as luxury watches, jewelry, caviar, perfume and artworks. Almost …
However, don't be surprised if the technology falls down flat on its face and the idea is scrapped; only to return to the football we are all accustomed to. At this stage, the Goal Line Technology definitely seems like a luxury to me rather than a …
Not the 2013 Volvo S60, though, which costs only $46,800. It handles like a sports car, can reach 60 miles per hour in just 5.3 seconds, and possesses a comfortable interior that will make you feel like you are driving one of the fastest luxury cars on …
Automobiles were mostly luxury possessions of the affluent class in the decades between the two world wars. Car magazines of the era featured "Hungarian counts, Polish noblemen, Jewish intellectuals and extravagant international bohemians," the …
The ability to run mostly on electricity sets the ELR apart from other luxury automobiles from established manufacturers, but Cadillac's marketing for the ELR won't focus on the fact that the ELR is a plug-in electric vehicle, said Lee. From the time …