He made millions from drug dealing, hijackings, loan sharking, high-end jewelry scores, bank heists, and stolen securities. …. Not only did he beat a 1974 indictment for stealing $520,000 in securities and conspiring to counterfeit, transport, and …
Specializing in antique jewelry, which she defines as pieces 100 years old or older, she stocks pieces in her shop that date all the way back to the 4th century B.C.E. These pieces are displayed in one of the two front rooms of her home dedicated to …
All fine art media are accepted, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, fiber, glass, digital, mixed media, ceramics, video, multimedia and jewelry. Entries may only be submitted as digital images on a disk or flash drive. All work must …
Dexter is fine. He's even able to pretend like things are ok with Deb, when her name comes up. Only they aren't. While Dexter continues to present the illusion that he's a perfectly normal and happy single father, Deb has sentenced herself to a much …
DNews Video. The sunken cargo of the expensive vessel could reveal anything from worthless horseshoes and hammers to jewelry and other expensive items worth millions of dollars. … That could be anything from fine china to bottles of wine,” Spence said.
“As long as you're using it for legal purposes, you'll be fine,” said state Rep. Stephen Smyk, R-Milton, who proposed a bill in June. (Page 2 of 3). The General Assembly did not vote on Smyk's bill this year, … Proposed bans in other states …
Robert Trisko, St. Cloud, won the Outstanding Achievement Award for his jewelry at the Fine Crafts Festival in Highland Park, Ill. Tweet. Email; Print; Share. LinkedIn; Tumblr; StumbleUpon; Reddit; Del.icio.us; Digg. A; A. View Comments | Share your …
For Croatia, it's a remarkable milestone, given the country was in the middle of a brutal war of independence just two decades ago. But the celebrations have been overshadowed by Croatia's economic woes, leading some to question joining a bloc … For …
Seated two places to the right of ECB President Mario Draghi in the grand, gilded room was Jens Weidmann, chief of Germany's Bundesbank and, in his country's post-war tradition, an inflation-fighting hardliner. … "A stable currency," he told Reuters.