In-depth understanding of requirements involved in the lifestyle management of affluent, high-net worthers. • Good knowledge of worldwide travel destinations & luxury products/services, specifically UK and Europe, given that our members are based …
For TellApart's McFarland, long-term planning also focuses on entrepreneurship. He considers himself a terrible stock … Merrill Lynch's Hogan says this echoes what he hears from his ultra–high–net–worth Gen Y clients. They don't even want to buy …
Luxury Real Estate Management is a leading luxury real estate and property management company providing a wide range of services including real estate sales, marketing, leasing, property management and investment analysis. Specializing in Las Vegas' …
Not much else about the smartphone is known at this time, but it is expected to have a 3,300 mAh battery to power its high–end internals. The HTC One Max is currently pegged for an official reveal next month at IFA 2013. Sources: SlashGear, ePrice …
The dreams of drone-delivered dinners don't end there, though. Two engineers from Yelp are working on a project they call the "Burrito Bomber" that would shuttle around the taco's big brother. Domino's pizza is also getting a piece of the action. The …
Franglais) referring to the underground movement or milieu devoted to producing — and enduring – squalls of atonal electronic sound blasted at incredibly high volume. Noizu stands in relation to hardcore punk or extreme heavy metal band something like …
It was fresh, with high acid, lots of fruit and dusty tannins. It had been opened for weeks. The 2005 Corison … At the end of the needle there are holes through which the wine travels into your glass. They way the Coravin folks explain it, once the …
And it's becoming increasingly more important to wedge those gadgets into your carry-on baggage as airlines start to shift away from in-seat video screens and beam content directly to your device. In the same way that … "At the end of the day, we are …
If you're just serving photos or audio, you don't need a high–end system. Almost any Windows Vista or 7 machine will do … These make it simple to stream your media to mobile gadgets and other compatible electronics. Plus, they include plenty of other …