(3) We expect ARO will be at a disadvantage to a formidable fast-fashion competitive set that has established fashion credibility and offers price points at similar – if not lower – levels than ARO's.” Avago Technologies (NASDAQ: AVGO) had its buy …
How would you characterize competitive environment in Ukraine's regions among the banks? There are regional banks at the market, but they offer a simple set of services and cannot render needed level … Currently there are the needed arguments for …
Suzdaltsev added that the partnership is Belarus' way of provoking a competitive rivalry between China and Russia that would result in Belarus receiving financial support from both countries. On Monday, Lukashenko met with Chinese government officials, …
The reason, White explained, was that the IMF was “designed for a special purpose, and that purpose is to prevent competitive depreciation of currencies.” Fixed exchange rates should therefore be at the center of the postwar monetary architecture, to …
During her tenure at Charles Schwab, von Germeten led branding strategy for customer segments and key product and service launches across all print and digital channels. With a focus on the mass affluent segment, she led the activation of the "Talk to …
France employs the highest number of public servants per capita – 90 for every 1 000 citizens – and the French are notoriously unhappy with their civil service. Large companies … Iain Williamson is the managing director at Old Mutual's retail …
Both properties were located in affluent areas with average household incomes in excess of $100,000 annually. The portfolio offered investors the opportunity to obtain multiple assets at an … The firm provides a full range of brokerage, advisory, and …
Fred Proctor was principal at Groves High School in the affluent Detroit suburb of Birmingham for a dozen years before taking early retirement at age fifty-six last month. … He told me they got a similar result when they privatized bus service a few …
… among other things, the quasi-third-party “No Labels” movement and the gun control campaign. There is such a thing as “civic tact” in a republic, and that means, among other things, that if you are a rich American, you restrain your personal …