BOHEMIAN MERMAID 511 Sixth St. New glass art pendants by Joele Williams, local beach photography by Dave J Struthers, copper art by Amber Jones, fine beaded jewelry by Merit Cape. 6. F STREET FOTO GALLERY at Swanlund's Camera, 527 F St.
The festival features tightly juried one-of-a-kind fine arts and fine crafts designed and shown by the exhibitors. Jewelry, pottery, textiles, glass, photography, woodworking and handmade furniture will be represented. Beloved local artists such as …
Readers, when travelers return from an international vacation, many are shocked to find that banks change only foreign paper currency back into U.S. money, so they are left with pockets full of coins that can't be spent. UNICEF'S Change for Good …
Some projected that a common currency for the continent would follow, that the border, as per European integration, would be all but wiped away. Canadian … In the Cold War era, Canada was heavily dependent on the United States as its protector-in-chief.
More than anything else, Franklin saw how London Bankers, through the Currency Act, forced American colonies to stop issuing their own currency; and required them to take loans at interest. This caused an immediate depression in the colonies …
Readers, when travelers return from an international vacation, many are shocked to find that banks change only foreign paper currency back into U.S. money, so they are left with pockets full of coins that can't be spent. UNICEF'S Change for Good …
Those who disagree that war in Syria is our responsibility, and contend that war should require a threat to national security, or at least be waged against an enemy that poses a credible threat to vital national interests, are often derided by the same …
Kaesong, which is a bellwether of North-South ties, was closed in May — a casualty of increasing tensions between the two Koreas after the North threatened Seoul with nuclear war. Waiting for workers to leave Kaesong. North Korea pulls workers … It …
To ensure that real estate prices continue to go up, the Federal Reserve will have to continue printing money. And this in turn will eventually lead to an inflationary bust. In fact, Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, feels that the Federal Reserve …