Many works of fine art by masters such as Van Gogh and Monet are recreated in stunning counted cross stitch displays throughout the gallery. …. Ashley Luttrell's digital paintings, Kevin Webb's copper creations, Briana Riti's recycled materials …
… he responded “Oh yea, yea, she knows. And she's cool with it. She's fine with it. She's made out with more chicks than I have.” FYI: Olivia is wearing an ALC top and skirt, a Jimmy Choo clutch, Jerome C. Rousseau shoes, and Rona Pfeiffer jewelry …
Experts will be available in the fields of fine art, silver, pottery, furniture, books, jewelry, textiles and dolls, military artifacts and Native American art and artifacts. Limit four items per person; Tickets are $20 for the first item, $30 for two …
Peters — Bella Serra, owner of Bella's House of Fine Teas and Gift Shop, will give a talk on tea etiquette and health benefits starting at 11:15 a.m. Aug. 1 at St. David's … Items on sale include jewelry, kitchen items, linens, tools and children's …
It is a one-day juried show, and original art and fine crafts will be exhibited rain or shine.. This year, 107 artists from five states will fill Village Park, just off Highway 35, to show and sell paintings, jewelry, clay, glass, sculpture, fiber …
… we got a tip this morning purporting to show the ad (tag-line: “When only the best is good enough”) running in print in an issue of Russian Tatler. Look, it does run next to an ad for Kermit's fine jewelry line, so it still seems like it could be a …
Pinos Altos, N.M. >> The Grant County Art Guild's Pinos Altos Art Gallery has an array of local art and fine crafts tastefully displayed in the historic Hearst Church. The Guild welcomes visitors from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and …
… Manning Mauldin;Helenn Franzgrote; Equinox Events principal Carmel Koeltzow; Lois Paul, vice chair of the Excelsior Youth Foundation board; jewelry designer Linda Bowen Scott (Bijoux Prive Collection); and Walker Fine Art Gallery owner Bobbi Walker.
Fine jewelry maker Theo Fennell said he was "thrilled" to have been asked by one company to create an 18-carat white gold bracelet valued at $15,000 for Kate. The glamorous trinket also has a more mundane use SEmD it is "the world's most luxurious …