Throughout the course of history, men have been reported to harbor immense fondness for the delicacy, not only for their women, but for themselves, which gives rise to the question, can men wear Diamond jewelry? Shedding light on the history of men and …
Earl Grenfell; a well-established, well-known name in the Port Washington diamond jewelry and watch repair arena, having years of accumulated experience in the field, the expert now publishes his reviews about the gems on his website, regularly.
QUINNS.JPG Quinn's Fine Jewelry, 2040 Boston Road, Wilbraham, was named Best Jeweler in 2013 Reader Raves, the second straight win. Shown here, from left to right, Corey Quinn, Denise Quinn and Maryann Reardon . Mark M. Murray, The Republican.
Gideon's Fine Jewelry, located in Woodland Hills, CA, believes this puts even more weight upon the accessories we wear during this time. The luxury goods retailer offers a plethora of options for style-inclined individuals looking to make a splash this …
Initial occupation of the site dates to 1816 when Revolutionary War veteran John Click built a log cabin on the property. However, he never got a deed to the property and lost it to John McKee in 1823. McKee was the Cherokee, Chickasaw and Choctaw …
Chen once speculated in Iraqi currency because he thought it would go up in value as the country rebuilt, like the German currency after World War II. But that did not happen. "Bitcoin is like the lottery. It's a gamble," Chen says. What Bitcoin is …
“This is the phoney war,” he said. It's not clear whether the comment should be interpreted as a promise that things are going to get better than the party point-scoring experienced so far or just a threat of even more intensified Punch and Judy …
If that happens, the U.S. would lose the global currency war. Three years ago, Brazilian Prime Minister Guido Mantega warned troubled economies around the world were taking measures to weaken their currencies. While this makes exports more competitive …
But at the end of the Second World War, my father was with Allied forces when Dachau was liberated, and he took photographs of the consequences of what happened at that concentration camp. I think his photos and his reaction to them sort of shaped my …