Pandagon is the go-to zone for eye-rolling at conservative nonsense, feminist rants, election-watching, and obsessing over low-rated but critically acclaimed television. Jesse Taylor and Amanda Marcotte may take politics very seriously, but egos not so …
“Our market research has shown that there is a high potential and high presence of ultra–high net worth individuals living and working in India,” said Shroff. Time, says … “Our discerning card members are quite diverse – from entrepreneurs to CXOs …
Magnum 510x261_tcm114-351817 The formidable Indian summer is attracting a host of international ice cream brands. Magnum, Unilever's biggest ice cream brand globally, entered India a few weeks ago. It was followed by the U.S.-based Mini Melts.
In Europe, voters have already punished left-wing and right-wing political parties that favor high-levels of immigration, he said. Parties in France, the United Kingdom, Sweden and other countries have reformed their policies to reduce inflow and to …
The Barclays Wealth Insights report, released on Tuesday, shows it took high net–worth individuals in Asia Pacific and Africa an average of 12 and 16 years, respectively, to accumulate their wealth compared with the US and Europe, where it took an …
Emailed. Anal hazing is apparently a thing in American high schools now · Rebellious Colorado counties move forward with plans to secede · Liberal journalists tweet outrage after Supreme Court's Voting Rights Act ruling · Seventh-grade boy allegedly …
So suggests Jim Cody, a managing director of estate, trust and philanthropy advisory services at Harris myCFO, a wealth management firm that caters to ultra–high–net–worth clients, or people with $25 million in investable assets and a net worth of …
… Mankiw makes an essential point, and one that anyone who is worried about rising income inequality needs to reckon with: Many of the ultra–high–net–worth individuals flourishing in today's global economy are admirable entrepreneurs, and we would …
Bill Maher: Comparing violence of Islam to Christianity 'liberal bullsh*t' [VIDEO] · Transgender first-grader wins civil rights suit after girls' bathroom ban · Anal hazing is apparently a thing in American high schools now · One More Metaphor for the …