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CarZigWheels is collection of the best one of the coolest car commercials ever seen. The global automobile industry is dominated by a few international giant…
There are 36 quilts, coverlets and hangings in the ticketed exhibition, each with their own story and rich history. It is the first time these delicate items, plucked from the museum's 85,000-piece textile and fashion section, have ventured from their …
For instance, the latest Economic Survey released by the government asserts that the availability of essential food items has been at adequate level to meet national food needs. The estimated average calories derived from cereals, pulses, … It could …
The nonprofit Consumer Watchdog wrote to the attorney general on June 12 urging him “to block Google's just announced $1 billion acquisition of Waze, developers of a mobile mapping application, on antitrust grounds… Google already dominates the online …
“Historically, trends in UK housing transactions and mortgage approvals have been useful lead indicators of consumer demand in our sector, bearing a positive correlation with floor covering sales,” he said. “Both of these indicators have recently shown …
The recent jump in mortgage and other long-term interest rates could eventually lead consumers to cut back on spending. And this year's stock-market rally, which has faltered in the past week, hasn't improved the lot of many less-affluent Americans …
The study revealed women who were online were relatively more affluent and young—three of every four women in the 'AB' socio-economic class were online; 75 per cent were in the age group of 15-34 years. About 24 million women accessed the internet …
A video of The Liquid Way organised Bentley Motors Annual Associates Briefing. The event, for over 4000 staff, took place early 2008.