SoftBank will increase its offer to buy Sprint Nextel Sprint Nextel in hopes of warding off a competing bid from Dish Network. SoftBank agreed to boost the bid by 7.5% to $21.6 billion–the latest turn in the struggle for Sprint by two billionaire …
Any U.S. oil and gas wildcatter looking for a way to get on the Forbes annual Billionaires list might take a hint from some of the interests among those who made this year's list, published Monday. They like oil and they like natural gas, and many of …
HANGZHOU CITY — For all of us still not yet in the annual Bloomberg News or Forbes magazine list of dollar billionaires, there is inspiring news. In the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, which tracks the wealthiest people on earth, it says: “It helps to …
This week Walmart shareholders will gather in the retail giant's Arkansas backyard and re-elect a board of directors charged with guiding the company over the coming years. Walmart's board—rife with billionaires and industry titans—has recently …
Reuters/REUTERS – Sue Ann Hamm (L) and her husband, Continental Resources Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Harold Hamm are seen in this combination of two undated file photos courtesy of The Journal Record. …more To match Special Report …
This week Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto signed into law a landmark telecommunications bill designed to boost competition in Mexico's phone and television industry. This has led to the generalized perception that the new law — which allows …
Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington and a group of other CEOs and former world leaders have formed a group whose goal is to end capitalism as we know it. The nonprofit, known as “The B Team,” was created to help promote a “better version of capitalism, …
West Virginia billionaire Jim Justice made his fortune in coal and agriculture, and he is revered in his home state as the man who rescued the historic Greenbrier resort from bankruptcy. Worth an estimated $1.7 billion, Justice is a prominent member of …
In 1942, writer Jerry Siegel (the co-creator of "Superman") and artist Leo Nowak introduced a comic-book character named Robotman, a scientist whose human brain had been transplanted into an immortal robot body. Now, a Russian multimillionaire has …