… career in the industry: Alan Bronstein of Aurora Gems; David Gardner of David Gardner's Jewelers and President of the American Gem Society; Daria de Koning of Daria de Koning, fine jewelry; Martin Rapaport, Chairman of Rapaport; and Joel Schechter, …
(How does a Currency War affect your FX trading? Take our free course to find out!) GBPUSDDaily: July 2, 2013. A_Yearly_High_in_UK_Construction_Fails_to_Stop_a_Pound_Tumble_body_gbpusd.png, A Yearly High in UK Construction Fails to Stop a …
The club of countries expanded to 28 with the incorporation of a country that two decades ago was in the throes of a brutal and bloody war of independence. Croatia is … With its own currency, Croatia might have sought to devalue its way to …
The collaboration of Hollywood with the regime began in 1930, the historian says, when Carl Laemmle Jr. of Universal Studios agreed major cuts to the film World War I movie 'All Quiet On The Western Front' after riots erupted that in Germany instigated …
… re-pricing of currencies and both local- and foreign-currency fixed-income assets. Brazil and other countries that complained about "hot money" inflows and "currency wars," have now suddenly gotten what they wished for: a likely early end of the …
The U.S. dollar, the premiere choice for foreign currency since the Second World War, has also lost a bit of its lustre amid their own debt wrangling. And lest you think the krona could still bounce back, Icelanders themselves have pretty much written …
(How does a Currency War affect your FX trading? Take our free course to find out!) AUDUSDDaily: July 2, 2013. Aussie_Declines_on_RBA_Talk_of_Further_Easing_and_a_Lower_Exchange_Rate_body_audusd.png, Aussie Declines on RBA Talk of …
Egypt has run out of money to pay its supporters, so riot, revolution, and civil war will be required before the Egyptians will be willing to reduce their non-negotiable demands on each other. Here in the U.S. we watch Egypt only to wonder how things …
Pipelines fit squarely into the latter category and because so many are set up as MLPs, they tend to have competitive yields. This section continues in the Subscriber's Area. Vietnam Market Commentary � Thanks to a subscriber for this interesting note …