To do multiparty communication, you need people who understand how to do really high-quality speech recognition. Then you need a team to translate that to the target language. Since we don't know what the conversation is going to be about, we have to …
Even Leia came to rely on him as indispensible to the rebels' cause. He was unjustly denied a medal at that ceremony at the end of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, but maybe he'll settle for being named King of the Sidekicks. …. All Reid has is …
"By the end they did all sorts of things." The routine was followed by literacy activities. THE TIMES. GADGETS: GOOGLE has released new high-resolution satellite imagery for its Google Maps and Earth products that gets rid of clouds (of the cumulus not …
Gazelle ( is the nation's leading high–end consumer electronics trade-in site, providing an easy, fast and safe way for consumers to get cash for their unwanted devices. Gazelle takes the risk and effort out of selling electronic …
In our opinion, the severe pressure on gold prices since April 16, 2013 has been caused by a coordinated bear raid orchestrated by large bank trading desks and hedge funds. The method used was naked shorting of gold contracts on the futures exchange …
The prices of gold and silver tumbled down in the past couple of weeks to their lowest levels in years. Looking forward, will gold and silver bounce back? Let's analyze the upcoming events that may stir up the gold and silver markets and examine the …
A U.S. regulatory filing for a Bitcoin investment trust from the Winklevoss twins said they will protect the virtual currency like gold bars—in vaults. Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, famous for their early association with Facebook, are selling the …
Both players picked up injuries playing for their respective clubs over the weekend, and their statuses for Friday's friendly against Guatemala in San Diego and next week's Gold Cup group games are undetermined. Gatt injured his knee playing for …
The projects, each of which would produce between 100,000 to 200,000 troy ounces of gold a year, are at an early stage, and a decision to continue with their development or delay for six months or more will be taken by the company's board according to …