No one was injured but about three-dozen resort goers left behind car keys, medication and other personal belongings inside their luxury condominiums after the crumbling edifices were evacuated. “My heart sunk. I was sick to … About 20 individuals …
OK, before we get started here, let me admit – as if I need to – that I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. The first time, I knocked on a few doors and registered some voters, too. I originally favored Hilary Clinton that time around, but …
Two weeks before they were scheduled to leave, however, she learned their plans for a dream vacation together were dashed. "We were robbed of the time and the experience, and I'd like to get my money back," said Craw, 68. Others fared worse, being left …
He spends his vacation week at home, and during an utterly broke, thirteen-day period, allows friends to buy him drinks. How everyone is going to pay for what they want and need to do is a constant worry. Sicha is operating on the premise that money …
"People love the thought of being on vacation," he says. "We have the palm trees, the … The average price for luxury dream homes is high but not astronomical, says Doug Breaker, president and CEO at "These homes are still attainable …
Prince Albert II is pushing to make Monaco a family-friendly, environmentally correct vacation spot. Look hard … A mural of the main square in Mr. Orsolini's home town of Ascoli Piceno fills one of the peach-colored walls. … Secondhand Luxury. Even …
… the country. Market Watch online counted down the cities whose vacation home sales have grown the most since 2011 and found Florida beat out 9 other vacation destinations in vacation home sales. … Property Managers Give Guests a Luxury Experience
A Disney rental home offers visitors easy access to the world's best known collection of theme parks, allowing for a level of convenience that cannot be matched by luxury vacation rentals in other regions. And the Orlando luxury villa setup offered by …
The loan program, spotlighted by a New York Times article from June, was designed to provide Sexton and other high-ranking school officials with easy loans for luxury vacation homes. As the Times reported, Sexton had a loan for $600 thousand dollars …