Jesse Jackson Jr. enters U.S. District Court February 20, 2013 in Washington, DC. Jackson and his wife, Sandi Jackson, pleaded guilty to federal charges after being accused of spending more than $750,000 in campaign funds to purchase luxury items, …
I'm quite attached to my small luxuries, and thankfully Dragon's Prophet delivers on that front. There's a built-in bag sorting button, a button to extract resources from multiple items at once (more on that later), a number of inventory sorting …
While the products are expensive, retailers expect Abenomics to lure consumers to enjoy “a bit of luxury,” according to one Sogo & Seibu employee. The sale of down jackets, which have played a central role in autumn and winter fashion over the past few …
The DEA (department of economic affairs) secretary on Friday explained that with the import duty hikes in gold, silver and platinum, the increase in import duties on high-end luxury goods and electronic goods may not be required anymore. Clauses in the …
Social media has provided luxury brands in China with an easy and measurable way to create lines in front of their “digital storefront”: ramping up the number of fans of their Sina or Tencent Weibo accounts. But as companies cram terms like “fan base …
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Gold's been extra volatile lately and all the investment vehicles linked or associated with it — from silver to metals-mining equities to exchange-traded funds have been confusing the heck out of investors. Here's what …
Ownership of the world's gold shifted further East during the first half of 2013, as Westerners dumped their exchange–traded holdings and, on the other side of the globe, Asian consumers responded to lower prices by adding to their hoards of jewellery …
Gold up 4 percent for the week, best in a month * Technical buying, short covering prop up prices * Shanghai demand strong, premiums jump $3 (Updates prices) By A. Ananthalakshmi SINGAPORE, Aug 16 (Reuters) – Gold hit fresh two-month highs on Friday …
I think basically if you take a longer view, which is what I always do, the rationale for being in gold is the prospect of monetary debasement," he said. "It was ridiculously oversold." Gold prices have risen 16 percent off its June lows, to log their …