He is the only public school employee among the 50 highest salaries who is not an administrator of a district or a regional Cooperative Education Service Agency. Despite having the sixth-highest enrollment, the Appleton Area School District … The …
<a href="http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/gallery/bernard-arnault? utm_source=huffingtonpost.com&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=billionaires%2B2013& partner=huffpo">Net worth: $29 billion DOWN Source: LVMH Citizenship: France</a> – Falls …
As inflation and the costs of doing business increase, a massage therapist must consider reasonable, well-strategized methods for raising the prices of sessions and products if she hopes to remain in business. Price communicates value. If you are good …
… into high–end condominiums and boutiques. The largest construction undertaking at the moment is the renovation of the old Jarmulowsky Bank, a 12-story building on the corner of Orchard and Canal that is a city landmark. DLJ Real Estate Capital …
DiamondRock Hospitality Co., of Bethesda, a real estate investment trust that owns upscale and luxury hotels, reported second-quarter Funds From Operations of $43.2 million, or 22 cents per diluted share, compared to $46.4 million, or 28 cents per …
American Homes 4 Rent, the California-based real estate investment trust founded by self-storage billionaire Wayne Hughes, spent $3.3 billion, on more than 19,000 houses. "These Wall Street guys employed huge dollars," Brzeski said. "These firms came …
It makes it look even more elite, high–end and upper class than the device (with its $1,500 pricetag) already is. Pictured in a high-fashion magazine alongside a $1,545 mohair sweater, $2,300 turtleneck and $4,490 teal coat is a step toward positioning …
Without the unnecessary 1080p display, Motorola didn't have to worry as much about including the fastest possible processors (which are typically necessary to power games and other demanding apps on high-resolution displays). The Moto X is powered by a …
Daring Fireball's John Gruber laid out the case for why it makes sense that Apple will introduce a low cost iPhone and abandon the iPhone 4 and 4S: “[Apple's] three pricing tiers for the next year would be a new iPhone 5S at the high end, today's …