Traditional handmade cigars were seen as a luxury for older men, but much of the recent growth has been in products sold in convenience stores to low-income customers. Flavored cigars now represent more than half of all convenience store and gas …
“The affordable luxury positioning fits the budgets of a consumer base which appreciates luxury items but cannot always spend money on high-price products,” said Antonia Branston, analyst at Euromonitor International. The success of the company is …
PEBBLE BEACH, California (Reuters) – Before dawn on Sunday when the fog rolls off the Pacific Ocean onto the fabled Pebble Beach golf course, 260 historic cars will roll onto the 18th fairway for the 63rd annual Concours d'Elegance classic car show.
… Seen Rising to Three-Year High: U.S. Economy Preview. By Victoria Stilwell – 2013-08-18T04:00:33Z. Home sales probably increased in July to the highest level in more than three years as growing demand for residential real estate bolsters the …
The opposite trend is now gathering steam, and that will likely spell the end of the double-digit price gains seen recently in markets such as San Francisco and Miami, say people in the real estate business community. International sales of U.S …
The luxury real estate market is rebounding, but slowly, Nelson said. She is seeing renewed interest in upper-end homes, with two high-end homes under contract recently — a $5.5 million lake home in Whitefish and a home in Elk Highlands for just under …
The Matanzas senior, who runs a computer repair service, said he frequently uses text messages to communicate with clients, but always with a professional tone. He's one of the few in his generation who won't replace “you” with “u,” he said, even when …
Aldi and Walmart are undercutting Food Lion's prices at one end, while at the other, Harris Teeter offers better customer service to more affluent consumers. The dichotomy will continue, with a growing number of poor and affluent shoppers and a …
Curtis Mitchell of the United States took bronze in 20.24 seconds, but was never in the hunt for gold. Now Bolt will go for his fourth triple gold at a major championship when he joins the Jamaican team for the 4×100 relay on Sunday. "It should be even …