… fleece, pillow-quilts, metal sculpture, tree skirts, doll clothes, pet gifts, cutting birds, fine jewelry, floral basketry, clay, painted stemware, fiber arts, lobster rope mats, wearable art, puzzles, doliday décor, vintage chic, plush, wind …
Over 100 juried craftsmen and women will display and sell their American made works including fine jewelry, country wood crafts, original watercolors, pottery, scarves, quilts, photography, painted antiques, puzzles, dolls, metal sculpture, wall …
She's led demonstrations on how to shape a clay form of metal into fine silver jewelry for seven years at the fair. She works from opening to close every day, usually arriving in the fair parking lot at 7 a.m.. She was nice about my plan. But when I …
Imagine, the fine arts and fine craft gallery at 38 E. Genesee St., Skaneateles, will present “The Craft of Wood” throughout August, featuring one-of-a-kind dressers, tables, mirrors, jewelry boxes and clocks by Charlie and Deb DeMinck, of Vineyard …
Police were called to the scene and the owner hired Brooks to privately investigate. Some items were recovered with the safe, but the rest was spent on things like lottery tickets and bicycles, Brooks said. "Some of it was also taken to Christopher's …
Joseph's Fine Jewelry and Continental Organics contributed half shares. Quarter-share sponsors include Pig Hill Inn, Roberts Total Care Salon, Hudson House, Le Bouchon, Riverview Restaurant, Yannitelli Fine Wines and Spirits, The Gift Hut, and Tight …
Europe's EADS confirmed July 31, 2013, plans to reorganize into three divisions and adopt the name of its planemaker unit Airbus in a bid to unite its businesses and boost shareholder returns. EADS will be called Airbus Group and will combine defence …
Sinnett, who joined Boeing in 1991 after working on fighter jets at McDonnell Douglas, led the development of all the 787's airplane systems from the beginning of the program a decade ago. And it was Sinnett who this year led the effort to design a fix …
GKN plans raid on top Boeing supplier. Karl West and Ben Marlow … It makes car parts for auto giants such as Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo, and produces aircraft and jet engine components for Airbus, Rolls-Royce and General Electric. GKN reports first …