Is Uber a disruptive company that lowers prices for consumers, or a luxury brand? Its expansion of service to Asia suggests that it depends where you live. The company announced soft launches in Taipei today, Seoul earlier this week and Singapore …
Hong Kong-listed companies Chow Tai Fook, Coach and Prada have made their way inside the exclusive club of the "most sought-after luxury brands" on the mainland, a new survey says. Major international brands in cars, fashion, beauty products, watches, …
Picture of the frontage of a French luxury goods firm Hermes' shop taken in Paris, one of the most valuable brands in the business. (Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife). Luxury brands have become the hottest story in China. But it's also been …
This week was a big one for fashion giants everywhere. First off, multiple brands including Neiman Marcus and Moncler filed for IPOs. Neiman Marcus' offering could go up to $100 million, and the timing suggests that an IPO could come as soon as …
Chanel is China’s favourite luxury fashion brand French fashion house Chanel has toppled Louis Vuitton from the top spot of China's most sought-after luxury fashion brands list, according to the World Luxury Index: China 2013. The luxury index …
And the luxury segment is seen as the next biggest boom for the global car makers. In fact, within the next seven years, McKinsey & Company expects China to top the United States as the world's No. 1 luxury automotive market. Here's the brands that …
Since their products were found in more than 300 different cities in the United States, the FBI cooperated in a joint multiyear anti-piracy effort with the Chinese Ministry of Public Security to tackle an issue that has long irked label manufacturers …
Advice and the Affluent Investor: A Study of Attitudes and Behavior by Charles Schwab (AAIS) surveyed more than 1,000 affluent Americans who receive some form of professional financial advice. …. Its broker-dealer subsidiary, Charles Schwab & Co …
Northern Trust Corporation (Nasdaq: NTRS) is a leading provider of investment management, asset and fund administration, banking solutions and fiduciary services for corporations, institutions and affluent individuals worldwide. Northern Trust, a …